Eco-Friendly Interior Design: How to Transform Your Home

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BY Hemron ON 22 Oct 2020

Eco-Friendly Interior Design: How to Transform Your Home

Eco-friendly interior design is focused on reducing the negative impacts that the production of furniture has on the environment. Since we spend so much time indoors, prioritizing your home’s interior is necessary. Paying attention to the products you bring in your home will keep the concentration of pollutants inside low. Here are a few tips for making your home’s interior eco-friendly while reducing the costs involved.

Reduce Lighting Costs with Eco-friendly Lighting Fixtures

It only takes a few changes in your home’s lighting to make it eco-friendly and stylish. Avoid incandescent bulbs when setting up your home’s lighting since they are inefficient in saving power. Compact fluorescent, light-emitting diode (LED), and halogen incandescent bulbs are more effective power saving replacements for incandescent bulbs in your home. Use fixtures made from recycled products or materials like jute and bamboo that are eco-friendly.